Forum Members

Join Us

Become a DMHF member and help us to promote your heritage organisation to the wider public. 

Join our friendly network of over 40 organisations including local history groups, large heritage attractions, museums, historic houses, heritage railways, historic industrial buildings, canals and more.

Members can enjoy:

  • Four meetings a year at different heritage sites with the chance to meet other like-minded people, see new developments and hear from speakers on a variety of heritage related themes.
  • Training opportunities and access to professional advice from people working in the heritage sector.
  • Involvement in events such as the Derbyshire Heritage Awards to showcase projects and achievements.
  • Promotional opportunities, including a listing on this website and contributions to our Facebook page.
  • All for a subscription of £35.00 per organisation per year (as of 2021).

We'd love to hear from you! For further information or to request a membership application form, please contact us.
